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Kids Books Blog

Rediscovering Your Favorite Childhood Reads: A Nostalgic Journey
April 14, 2023 Nadiyah Patel

Rediscovering Your Favourite Childhood Reads: A Nostalgic Journey

We, at Books2Door, understand your need to make sure your children grow up reading the same literary classics that you did. That is precisely why we have curated this listicle where we take a walk down the memory lane and take you through all the literary classics we know you loved as a child. 
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  • Celebrate Shakespeare's Legacy with Your Little Ones on National Shakespeare Day
    April 23, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Celebrate Shakespeare's Legacy with Your Little Ones on National Shakespeare Day

    Join us at Books2Door for a grand celebration of Shakespeare's legacy! April 23rd is a day etched in literature lovers' hearts worldwide as we observe National Shakespeare Day. This day honours both the birth and the legacy of William Shakespeare, the unparalleled genius of the English stage and script. Born in 1564, Shakespeare's indelible influence on literature and the performing arts echoes through the ages, immortalising his works as timeless classics. There's no finer destination than Books2Door to dive into these immortal treasures, where Shakespeare's legacy's essence is a click away.
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  • Exploring Chinua Achebe: A Journey Through African Identity and Legacy at Books2Door.
    April 19, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Exploring Chinua Achebe: A Journey Through African Identity and Legacy at Books2Door.

    Join us as we take you with us to explore Books2Door's collection dedicated to Chinua Achebe, a celebrated figure among both modern African literature enthusiasts and literature lovers worldwide. Achebe's novels are not only enjoyable reads but also pivotal educational tools. They are utilised globally to teach students about the intricacies of African history and literature. 

    His work vigorously challenges the "Single Story" narrative, advocating for a broader representation and shedding light on the impact of colonialism. Through his renowned African Trilogy, Things Fall Apart, No Longer at Ease, and Arrow of God, you, our valued readers, will experience the rich, multi-generational narratives Achebe crafted to portray a balanced representation of the African experience.

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  • New Reads to Ignite Your Imagination: Celebrate Teen Literature Day
    April 18, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    New Reads to Ignite Your Imagination: Celebrate Teen Literature Day

    Join Us in Celebrating Teen Literature Day at Books2Door! Today, we're thrilled to spotlight an array of titles, inviting you to celebrate Teen Literature Day with us! Dive into an eclectic mix of stories, each penned by talented writers eager to share their worlds. It's a perfect opportunity to explore fresh perspectives and immerse yourself in the inventive narratives that have captivated readers of all ages.
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  • Unfurling Pages of Wonder: Drop Everything And Read Day's Must-Reads
    April 12, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Unfurling Pages of Wonder: Drop Everything And Read Day's Must-Reads

    Dearest D.E.A.R. aficionados (and yes, the pun is most delightfully intended), at Books2door, we've curated a collection of the moment's most sought-after reads. In the spirit of Drop Everything And Read Day, let's do precisely that: drop everything. Shall we embark on this literary journey together?
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  • Eid Celebrations Enriched: A Books2Door Guide to Festive Reads, Traditions, and Culinary Delights
    April 10, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Eid Celebrations Enriched: A Books2Door Guide to Festive Reads, Traditions, and Culinary Delights

    As the crescent moon heralds the arrival of Eid al-Fitr, signalling the end of Ramadan and the beginning of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic calendar, it's a time for joyous celebrations with family, friends and, of course, enriching reads that resonate with the theme of this auspicious festival. At Books2Door, we're excited to offer a handpicked selection of books that illuminate the essence of Eid and delve into the rich tapestry of Islamic culture and teachings
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  • Verses for Every Soul: Celebrating National Poetry Month
    April 8, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Verses for Every Soul: Celebrating National Poetry Month

    In the spirit of celebrating National Poetry Month this April, we at Books2Door are thrilled to invite you on an adventure through our collection's rich tapestry of poetry. Immerse yourself in the power of words and profound insights from poets around the globe, uniting us all in our shared love for poetry. 

    Poetry is a beautiful and vital expression, especially for the younger audience. Do you have a little one at home still preparing for the classics? Introduce them to our vibrant Children's, Teenage, and Young Adult Poetry collection.

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  • Still She Rises: Diving into the Works of Maya Angelou
    April 4, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Still She Rises: Diving into the Works of Maya Angelou

    In the spirit of celebration, Books2Door invites you to explore Angelou's rich literary legacy through our curated selection of her works. Discover her powerful voice and profound insights in a way that connects past and present, available now at the Books2Door store, where we believe every book opens a new door to worlds of learning, understanding, and joy.
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  • Unlocking Imagination: Celebrating National Children's Picture Book Day
    April 3, 2024 Sushmita Viswanathan

    Unlocking Imagination: Celebrating National Children's Picture Book Day

    Celebrate National Children's Picture Book Day with Books2Door, where we understand that the vibrant world of picture books is a cornerstone of child development and education. Acknowledging that children are remarkably perceptive, absorbing information effectively through visuals long before the mastery of speech, highlights the indispensable value of introducing them to the world of picture books. This fundamental step not only enriches their learning experience but is essential for their growth.
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  • Books2Door Celebrates its 20th Birthday!
    February 26, 2024 Nadiyah Patel

    Books2Door Celebrates its 20th Birthday!

    As Books2Door turns 20, it's a momentous occasion not just for us but for every reader who has journeyed with us through the enchanting world of literature. Over two decades, we've had the privilege of bringing stories that inspire, entertain, and enlighten countless homes. From timeless classics to contemporary masterpieces, our shelves have seen it all. In celebration of our 20th birthday, we're thrilled to share a list of 20 of our favourite books...
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  • Isadora Moon Day: Exclusive Q&A with Harriet Muncaster
    February 17, 2024 Nadiyah Patel

    Isadora Moon Day: Exclusive Q&A with Harriet Muncaster

    It’s Isadora Moon Day!  As passionate advocates for the magic of reading, we at Books2Door have always cherished the way stories like Isadora Moon allow children to explore their identity and embrace their uniqueness. It's why we're thrilled beyond words...

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  • 10 Books To Read This Valentine’s Day
    February 14, 2024 Alice Denison

    10 Books To Read This Valentine’s Day

    Whether you're looking for a gift for a loved one, your best friend or your favourite little reader, these books are sure to put a smile on their face this Valentine's Day. Here at Books2Door, we have a great selection of romance novels for any budding romantics. We also have a vast selection of Young Adult romance, filled with teenage angst to steamy fantasy. For younger readers, there’s a gorgeous selection of picture books, perfect for teaching children about love and relationships. 
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